Monday, October 29, 2007

# 13 - brought out the stalker in me. I found the most interesting part of this exercise was looking into the sites saved by people who had similar interests, or who had saved some of the same sites as myself. I'm finding that if I can't immediately see a practical purpose for using a web 2.0 tool then I struggle to get excited about it. This one took awhile to grow on me for that reason. After I registered I spent a few days (on and off) playing with and have started to compile a list of sites. Sites that I use frequently I tend to memorise or are ones that I have bookmarked at home (for banking, booking events or plane tickets etc) and as a result the list that I created for this exercise contains items that I find quirky or interesting rather than ones that I would want to/need to access regularly. I can see why this tool would be useful if you spent a lot of your time online - browsing and otherwise fiddle-faddling around, however, I am not inclined to do this. I think it would also be fantastic for compiling a list of online resources for a research project or work-related professional development, although I chose not to use it this way myself. I found some amazing, creative blogs and sites with beautiful collections of art work by book illustrators and so I slowly began to enjoy exploring this tool as I came to terms with spending my time in a way that I normally wouldn't.

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